Monday, July 27, 2009


Okay so in the middle of all the packing/moving craziness I had a chance to sneak in a session with this adorable and sweet little guy!  Check back later for more pictures from his session. 
Finn with his big sister, Harney.  She was very jealous that the photo session wasn't just for her! :)  She clearly didn't want to share the camera-time!  
more soon,

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ready....set.... PACK!!!

Here's a picture of Kayla helping us pre-pack/stage some of our stuff at the storage unit.... we had to brace her on the wall to keep her up!  
Living in a sea of boxes for 3 days is loads of fun...
Tilloo demonstrates how to use one of our many carved out paths thru the house.  
Tchoup surveying the progress... can you find Tilloo in the picture?
Finally the moving truck arrived to start loading all the boxes.  These guys were amazing! 
This was my work space on Friday.... while at first leaving the TV with me on Friday seemed like a good idea so I could have some "company," having to load it in the car by myself later that afternoon was not such a good idea.  
Can you say "ecchoooo??" 
Saying goodbye to Pensacola.... Mobile, here we come! 
Check back soon for the "unpacking" extravaganza and pictures of our new house!! 

Last days in Pensacola!!

So once we made the decision to go ahead and just rent our house it seems like everything hit super sonic speed.  In 3 very very short weeks we rented our house, found another one in Mobile, got packed up, and moved.  After having been in the move-holding-pattern for almost a year, 3 weeks was a really really fast time for everything to happen!!  Here are a few pictures of our last days in Pensacola....

This was the message on the graffiti bridge at the start of the week... good message for such a crazy week! 

Here's a couple pictures of Tilloo before the chaos started... she was rarely seen rest of the week!

Amazing the fun things that were found when we started packing!

More posts shortly!
Happy un-packing.....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Camera Phone Fun...

Ok, so I went without a camera phone for many years and vowed never to go without again. Because without my camera phone the world would be without the below pictures... and that would be tragic!!

After dropping Kayla off at school one morning this is what I pulled up next to at the light... had it not been for my conference call that morning I totally would have followed him just to see where he was going!
Can you spot the mini-space shuttle doing the double piggy-back?
I had to figure out how to get a picture of the front... good thing there weren't many cars on the road this morning!
What you can't see in the picture is that there were allllll kinds of things that swirled, twirled and whirled on this thing... can anyone decipher what the web address is on the upper right side?
To help celebrate Pensacola's 450th birthday the King & Queen of Spain and this amazing ship came to visit. The Juan Sebastian de Elcano is the 3rd-largest Tall Ship in the world!

Okay.. so we decided to relive a blast from the past and went down to Pcola Beach to see Vanilla Ice.. yes, the Ice, Ice, Baby, Vanilla Ice... needless to say he was far more than "fashionably late" and we ended up leaving before he came on stage (babysitters are expensive and he was already an hour overdue at 1130pm). Anyways.. we were sitting on the pier and all of a sudden I look up and say "there's a stormtrooper walking towards us".... I really think Trey thought I was making it up until he followed by stare and realized that there really was a stormtrooper walking towards us. Who knew stormtroopers liked Vanilla Ice?

While paroozing the local Target's wine aisle (gotta love Target!!) I noticed a new line of wine... "The Middle Sister"... they have all sorts of varieties and they each have a fun and entertaining label. This was one of my favorites!! I of course had to send this to my sister Andrea.. my brother and I tease her that she really got the short end of the deal when our parents married 5 years ago.. she went from being an "only child" to a "middle child" ... AND a red-headed stepchild all in one day!!! :)
Hope you enjoyed the random camera phone fun!! Check back later for more entertaining pictures!

Summer time fun!

Summer is always a fun time when you live close to the beach and love being outside!! Here are a few fun pictures from our summer so far!!

Little Miss Mooovie-Star!!
Music In the Park at Seville Square!
Nanna Paula & Grandpa Phil's visit!
4th of July!

Getting ready for the fireworks on the 4th with Nanna & Cappy!

Check back soon for pictures of our upcoming move!!! Hope you are enjoying your summer!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Picking Blueberries!!!

Okay so who knew that blueberries grew on TREES??? I always thought they grew on bushes or shrubs of some sort... nope, trees. Well at least in Pensacola they grow on trees... Last Friday the fam went blueberry picking... it was hot and sweaty work, but well worth the $1/lb returns!

That bucket still looks mighty empty... I'm pretty sure it was a "one for the bucket, one for Kayla".... I kept telling her she could eat them later... she'd reply "i'm not *munch munch* eating *munch* them, I'm wait-munch-ing til later"....

It was amazing how quickly we picked over 3 lbs of blueberries!!! And it's true, fresher does taste better!

For local Pcola folks, you still have a few days of blueberry season left!! Check out local farms at

Happy summer!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

So 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays for one very large reason - fireworks. I loooove a good firework show. When I moved from DC to Pensacola almost 4 years ago I was very very anxious for the fireworks on the waterfront. Having been spoiled in DC for 3 years with amazing shows I was a bit nervous that my favorite holiday wouldn't be filled with as many "ooohhh....ahhhhs" as I was used to. I am more than happy to report that Pensacola did not disappoint!

I wish there were more holidays with fireworks!!

Welcome baby brother!

I recently completed a session with this awesome family, its been well over a year since I saw them last and I was really excited to meet their new baby boy! I had a chance to meet him a couple weeks prior to the actual session, so I was even more excited than normal since I already knew he was such a sweet and beautiful baby boy!!

I can't wait to see how much the 2 kids keep growing!!